What Types of Businesses are Most Popular in the Bronx, New York?

Employment by industry is a key factor in determining the most common businesses in any given area. In Bronx County, New York, the most prevalent sectors are healthcare, social assistance, retail, housing, and food services. Each metropolitan area has its own unique culture, demographics, dominant industries, and geography. To start a successful business in New York City, it is important to consider these elements.

The New York State Retail Council reports that there are more than 941,000 workers employed in over 77,000 retail businesses throughout the city. Healthcare is also a major industry in New York City; with more than half a million city residents employed in this sector. The majority of healthcare jobs are based on biomedical research and medical services. In fact, after Boston, New York City receives the most funding from the National Institutes of Health.

When starting a business in New York City, it is essential to take into account the city's unique features and incorporate them into your strategic business plan. For instance, language translation services are highly sought after by government agencies, the United Nations, media outlets, and businesses. Education is another major industry in New York State that has a substantial impact on the state and its residents. If you have a specific skill set or experience, you can easily find companies and people who are willing to hire you in this large city.

Delivery services are also popular in New York City due to the fact that many people do not have cars or time to go out and purchase goods and services for themselves. Additionally, travel experts are often hired by companies to coordinate itineraries and negotiate advantageous prices for their business travelers. Bronx County is also home to three of the largest parks in New York City; making it an ideal location for those looking to start a business related to green space. Additionally, New York City is known as the business capital of the world due to its founding as a shopping center by Dutch colonists in 1624 and its housing of one of the world's major stock exchanges.

Finally, mobile businesses are becoming increasingly popular as they allow companies to reach their customers directly.